First, develop your love in selling. You cant' be good to something you do not love. Talk to topnotch seller, read books about selling, and get into selling.
Second, chose product to sell. There are a lot of product in the market today, and there are a lot of customer looking for a product they need. Chose a product you know well, probably a product that you're already using, get familiar with the benefits and advantages of that product, a product that will make you proud to present it, and confidently can recommend it to others.
Third, practice selling. Selling can be formal or informal. If you're not yet in with selling, it is very good to start selling to your friends, relatives, classmates, and others before selling to people you are not familiar with. If you know your product very well, tell them success stories about your product, and the advantage of your product compare to other products available. It is easier to sell to people who develop their relationship and confidence with you, because they are confident that you will not tell lie or take advantage from them. Of course you must sustain your integrity to sell again and again to them.
Fourth, prepare answer for possible questions. Expect rejection and denial, prepare your kind words and inspiring ideas. Share knowledge and inspiring stories to catch their attention and response, you may not persuade or get their approval the first time, but you'll going to leave a spot in their memory and hearts. Read books to master and improve your style, learn from your mistakes. Don't be surprise, expect the unexpected. Several surprises are encountered along the way, be prepared to face them.
You can't perfect your move the first time, do it again and again, till your act, words, and appearance will be a magnet that draws other people towards you. Good luck!