Leadership has different form of influencing. In any form there are strengths and weakness, and there are corresponding objectives and strategies to follow or to keep in mind.
The following are forms of influencing which can be utilize in controlling and directing a group as part leadership.
a) Telling, the objective of this type of influencing is to control the group. The strategies that should be implemented to this are; providing specifics(what, when, and where), define the role of every member, execute the predominantly one-way communication, made decisions, close supervision and accountability, and simple and specific instruction. The weaknesses of this type are demanding, demeaning, dominating, and attacking members of the group. This type of leadership must be executed to the group that are unable and unwilling to follow, and the type is effective if leader will use it for telling, guiding, directing, and establishing with the members of the group.
b) Selling, the objective of this type of influencing is to convince the group. The strategies that should be implemented are; provide (who, what, when, where, how, and why), explain decisions and allow opportunity for clarification, provide two-way dialog, leader made decisions. The weaknesses of this type are manipulating, preaching, defending, and rationalizing. This type must be executed to followers who are unable but
willing, and also effective in selling, explaining, clarifying, and persuading.
willing, and also effective in selling, explaining, clarifying, and persuading.
c) Participating, the objective of this type of influencing is to participate with the group. The strategies are; leader encourages input, actively listen, the follower made decisions, allows the two-way communication and involvement, support risk taking, leader compliment work, and leader praise and build follower confidence. This type must be executed to the group that is able but unwilling, and is effective in participating, encouraging, supporting, and empowering.
d) Delegating, the objective of this type of influencing is to delegate and assign the group. The strategies are; delegate task, the leader sees big picture, the follower made decisions, relatively light supervision, monitor activities of the followers, reinforce results, and remain accessible. This type must be executed to follower that is able and willing, and is very effective in delegating, observing, entrusting, and assigning.
The above mentioned type of leadership are not prescription for influencing people but rather guide that will assist leader in deciding and maintaining a group. It is not a direction with hard and fast rules. In behavioral sciences, there are no rules. Situational leadership is a major contribution to behavioral sciences that is attempting to improve the odds that leader will be able become effective and successful leader. Since leading people is situational, try to understand the people, object, and situation you are dealing with to be appropriate in the course of action that you will going to take.
Let us continue to lead and make better things for the present and future generations.