Influencing, directing, and driving followers are an essential part of leadership. But before leading followers there are things that are needed to check and consider; first is the relation with the followers, another is their trust and confidence in your leadership as guide and motivator.
To control followers in leading to a purpose the leader must establish good relation. Having a nice relation with them means staying with and valuing them, understanding them, giving any possible things they need that you can provide, answering their question, and staying with them even at worst time of their life, to this kind of strategy you'l be able to control and catch their attention, although it will require much time and effort, the outcome of this will produce quality product or outputs.

To control followers in leading to a purpose the leader must establish good relation. Having a nice relation with them means staying with and valuing them, understanding them, giving any possible things they need that you can provide, answering their question, and staying with them even at worst time of their life, to this kind of strategy you'l be able to control and catch their attention, although it will require much time and effort, the outcome of this will produce quality product or outputs.